A couple years ago I went to a 3 day Precepts training
session in Chicago. I asked the trainer,
who is extremely experienced for 30+ years, how she time managed her homework
and teaching. She said that she has
class on Tuesday, takes Wednesday off, and then does her 5 days of homework
over the next two days (Thursday and Friday).
Then she has the weekend to prepare her actual teaching lesson.
At first, I thought this was a great idea. Oh boy – I only have to do my homework over 2
days. And I did that over the next 2
years. But funny thing – over the summer
with our Prayer study – I realized that this was not very effective for
me. I was rushing through the homework
(just to get done) and then having to remember and recap everything for the
lesson. I did not have a consistent
study time, therefore I always felt rushed, out of sorts, and not in a “groove”
as far as bible study was going.
Just this summer – I got into the habit of doing my homework
every day at the same time. I would
finish working and dinner and then sit down with my husband most evenings. We’d have the TV on, and I did my
homework. What I realized just recently
is that this consistent routine made Bible study a whole lot easier for
me. A HA – moment hit.
· ***
actually had more of my evening available – I could do only one days’ of
homework and stop anad still have the rest of the evening to do something else;
*** I had the whole next day to process what I had
studied the night before. I don’t think
I consciously thought about the lesson – but every so often a thought would go
into my head about something I had studied.
I could think about it and process it.
This prepared me for the next day’s lesson.
· ***
I also learned that when I only had one days of
homework to do, I could prepare my teaching lesson at the same time (cross
reference the questions to the text, etc).
So my question to you is -
do you have the same time every day that you do your Bible study? It could be in the morning while you’re
having your coffee. It could be during
or after lunch. It could be after
dinner. (funny how Bible study and meals
go together).
Do you know that science has shown that it takes 21 days to
make a new habit. And once you’re in
your new schedule, things are easier to get done. You’ve scheduled that time every day to do
your bible study, you schedule your other activities around it, (just like
you’ve scheduled your activities around attending bible study on Tuesday am or
Thursday pm).
God is a God of order.
He is precise and logical and everything has a place. And He created us in His image. Therefore, we function better when we have a
consistent schedule. As we learned in
our prayer study, where our time is spent – that shows
where our loyalties are. Are you a child
of God? Have you placed His Sovereignty
and His will over you and your life? If
you have, then how you spend your time should reflect that.