Monday, October 9, 2017

The rulers in the times of Jesus

Precept Acts Part 1
Lesson 3 - Book of Acts Chapter 3
So in Acts chapter 3, we started seeing events that were happening that involved the rulers in Jerusalem.  Since we obviously don't have this kind of government today, I decided to start looking into the governmental structure of Jerusalem during the times of Jesus and the apostles.
First of all, Jesus was a Jew in Palestine.  (Palestine was the word for the Jewish land, first used by Herodotus, the well known Greek historian,  in the 5th century bc). 
Roman Rulers
But, during Jesus' time, that land was governed by the Roman Empire.
The Emperor of Rome from 14-37AD was Tiberius.  John the Baptist began his ministry in the 15th year of Tiberius' rule.
The Emperors were also called The Caesars.  Then the Emperor would set up his own local rulers.  They were the Herods.  Herod the Great ruled from 37 - 4 bc.  Then rule was divided up between his 4 sons.  Herod the Great was, of course, the ruler who had the Jewish Temple rebuilt in Jerusalem.
Then there were Prefect/Procurator/Governors who ruled the cities.  In 26AD, Emperor Tiberius appointed Pontius Pilate to be Procurator of Judea.  Pontius Pilate is the one who was involved with the trials and crucifixion of Jesus.
Jewish Leaders
Priests of the Temple
- High Priest was a political appointment.  He lived in luxury;
-  the average Jewish peasant struggled to survive.  They had to pay temple taxes and Herod's taxes;
-  Josephus, was the famous first century Jewish historian.  He wrote that things went so far as the priests authorized a daily sacrifice to Caesar in the temple.
The Pharisees
-  a group set out to preserve Jews from Gentiles;
-  Pharisee means "to separate";
-  They were guardians of the oral traditions that scholars had developed over generations;
The Sadducees
- Wealthy ruling class;
-  many were in the priesthood & the Sanhedrin;
-  Only believed in the 5 books of Moses;
-  Tried to get along with Rome;
-  Were greatly disturbed by Peter & John's preaching because it directly opposed the Sadducees' denial of Jesus' resurrection;
The Sanhedrin
-  Jewish Supreme Court;
-  They ruled over the civil matters in the land;
-  There were 71members, including the High Priest;
-  Most of these 71 members were Sadducees.
Acts 4:1 - Priests & Captain of the Temple Guard & Saducees put Peter & John into jail for teaching people in Jerusalem after healing a man lame from birth;
Acts 4:7 Peter & John were brought to Jerusalem Council regarding the healing of the lame man.  Rulers, elders & scribes were there.  Also there was Annas, the high priest; and Caiaphus & John & Alexander - all of priestly descent.
Acts 5:17 - the High Priest and his associates (part of the Sadducees) put the Apostles in jail because of their miracles & healing in Jesus' name and teaching;
Acts 5:21 - The High Priest, his associates, The Council, the Senate of the Jews got together to question the Apostles.  They had the Apostles flogged & then released them.
I found several internet articles that shed a lot of light on this issue:

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